Wednesday, April 19, 2006

holyweek movie marathon


dr. reston: problems with a significant other?
frankie: yeah.
dr. reston: what kind of problems?
frankie: I'm not very significant.

dr. reston: do you have any stress at work?
frankie: i cut hair.

frankie: hey, you know what's scarier than not believing in god? believing in him. i mean, really believing in him. it's a fucking terrifying thought.

frankie: the kingdom of god is within you and all around you. it is not within buildings of wood or stone. split a piece of wood and you will find me. look beneath a stone and i am there.

jesus of nazareth

pontius pilate: do you realize i have the power to release you or have you crucified?
jesus christ: you wouldn't have had that power over me if it hadn't been given to you from above.

(discussing the idea of jesus' being born in a stable)
balthazar: and yet, i see the justice of it.
gaspar: not in glory, but in humility.

jesus christ: destroy this temple, and in three days i will make it rise again.
zerah: it took centuries to build this temple. do you think you can build it again in three days?
jesus christ: you have said it, but you have not understood.
zerah: [indignant] rabbi, i understand better than you think.

herod antipas: and we go on sinning. and very pleasant it is, too.

passion of the christ

jesus: judas... you betray the son of man with a kiss?

jesus: see, mother, i make all things new.

caiphas: tell us, are you the messiah? the son of the living god?
jesus: i am...

mary: why is this night different from every other night?

simon: remember that i am an innocent man, forced to carry the cross of a condemned man!

mary: flesh of my flesh... heart of my heart... my son, let me die with you.

pontius pilate: i do not want an uprising.
abenader: there already is an uprising!

jesus: my heart is ready.

mary: my son... when, where, how... will you choose to be delivered of this?

title card: he was wounded for our transgressions, crushed for our iniquities; by his wounds we are healed. isaiah 53; 700 b.c.

jesus: peter. you could not watch even one hour with me?

jesus: peter! put it down! those who live by the sword shall die by the sword.

pontius pilate: what is truth, claudia? do you hear it, recognize it when it is spoken?
claudia procles: yes, i do. don't you?
pontius pilate: how? can you tell me?
claudia procles: if you will not hear the truth, no one can tell you.
pontius pilate: truth... do you want to know what my truth is, claudia? i've been putting down rebellions in this rotten outpost for eleven years. if i don't condemn this man i know caiphas will start a rebellion. if i do condemn him, then his followers may. either way, there will be bloodshed. caeser has warned me, claudia. warned me twice. he swore that the next time the blood would be mine. that is my truth!

caiphas: they say you're a king. where is this kingdom of yours? What line of kings do you descend from? speak up! you're just the son of some obscure carpenter, no? some say you're elijah, but he was carried off to heaven in a chariot! why don't you say something? you've been brought here as a blasphemer! what do you say to that? defend yourself.
jesus: i have spoken openly to everyone. i've taught in the temple where we all gathered. ask those who have heard what I have to say.
temple guard: is that how you address the high priest? with arrogance?
[the temple guard strikes jesus with authority]
jesus: if i have spoken evil, tell me what evil i have said. but if not, why do you hit me?

monsters, inc.

mike: roz, my tender, oozing blossom, you're looking fabulous today. is that a new haircut? tell me it's a new haircut. it's got to be a new haircut. new makeup? you had a lift? you had a tuck? you had something? something has been inserted in in you that makes you look like... listen, i need a favor. randall was working late last night out on the scare floor. i really need the key to the door he was using.

henry j. waternoose: kids these days. they just don't get scared like they used to.

randall: say hello to the scream extractor.
mike: hello. hey, where are you going? c'mon, we'll talk! we'll have a latte!

mike: psst, fungus. fungus, you like cars? because i got a really nice car. you let me go, i'll give you... a ride... in the car.
fungus: i'm sorry, wazowski, but randall said i'm not allowed to fraternize with victims of his evil plot.

mike: i'm telling you, big daddy. you're gonna be seeing this face on tv more often.
sulley: yeah, like on "monstropolis' most wanted"?
mike: ha, ha, ha. you've been jealous of my good looks since the fourth grade, pal.

randall: where is it, you little one-eyed cretin?
mike: okay, first of all, it's "cree-tin". if you're going to threaten me, do it properly. second of all, you're nuts if you think kidnapping me is going to help you cheat your way to the top.
randall: [chuckles evilly] you still think this is about that stupid scare record?
mike: well... i did. right up until you... chuckled... like that... and now i'm thinking i should just get out of here.

randall: okay, i think i know how to make this all go away. what happens when the whistle blows in five minutes?
mike: i get a time out?
randall: everyone goes to lunch! which means the scare floor will be...
mike: ...painted?
randall: empty! it'll be empty, you idiot! see that clock? when the big hand is pointing up...
[forces mike's arm up]
randall: and the little hand is pointing up...
[forces the other arm up]
randall: the door will be in my station. but when the big hand is pointing down...
[forces mike's arm down]
randall: the door will be gone. you have until then to put the kid back. get the picture?

[mike and sulley watch a commercial featuring them, but mike is covered over by the monsters inc. logo]
mike: i can't believe it...
sulley: oh, mike...
mike: i was on tv. ha. did you see me? i'm a natural.

[mike and sulley at a crosswalk next to a giant monster]
sulley: hey, ted! good morning!
[ted clucks; light changes and they cross]
sulley: see that, mikey? ted's walking to work.
mike: big deal. guy takes five steps and he's there.

mike: oh, schmootsie-poo?
celia: googlie bear.

[mike complains to sulley about randall]
mike: one of these days i am really... going to let you teach that guy a lesson.

celia: oh, michael, i've had a lot of birthdays - well, not a lot of birthdays but this is the best birthday ever.
[mike stares lovingly at her]
celia: what are you looking at?
mike: i was just thinking about the first time I laid eye on you, how pretty you looked.
celia: [shyly] stop it.
mike: your hair was shorter then.
celia: mm-hmm. i'm thinking about getting it cut.
[the snakes in celia's hair squeal with fear]
mike: no-no, i like it this length.
[the snakes sigh in relief]
mike: i like everything about you. just the other day someone asked me who i thought the most beautiful was in all of monstropolis. you know what i said?
celia: what did you say?
mike: i said...
[just then, sulley's face appears in the window behind celia]
mike: sulley?
celia: sulley?

mike: sulley, what are we doing?
sulley: we have to get boo's door and find a station.
mike: what a plan. simple, yet insane.

mike: i think i have a plan here: using mainly spoons, we dig a tunnel under the city and release it into the wild.
sulley: spoons?
mike: that's it, i'm out of ideas. we're closed. hot air balloon? too expensive. giant slingshot? too conspicuous. enormous wooden horse? too Greek.

mike: follow the sultry sound of my voice

sulley: what was that?
mike wazowski: i have no idea. but it would be a really good idea if it didn't do it again.

tv anchorman: if witnesses are to be believed, there has been a child security breach for the first time in monster history.
cda agent: we can neither confirm nor deny the presence of a human child here tonight.
witness #1: well the kid flew right over me and blasted a car with its laser vision.
witness #2: i tried to get away from it, but he picked me up with his mind powers and shook me like a doll.
witness #3: [has many eyes] it's true! i saw the whole thing!
professor on tv: it is my professional opinion that now it's the time to *panic*!

mike: [as the scream extractor approaches] what is that thing? what is that thing? hey, hey, hey, that thing is moving. i don't like big, moving things that are moving towards me.

yeti: woah, rule number one. always... no, never go out in a blizzard.


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